martes, 17 de enero de 2012

99 Anonymous

99 Anonymous es una iniciativa de los amigos de Enough Records y xDA. Se trata de una mixtape bastante dispar, con temas sobre todo electrónicos y bastantes muestras de noticias a lo spoken word con alto contenido hacktivista (qué poco me gusta esta palabra). Podéis descargarla aquí o directamente escucharla en el siguiente reproductor de mixcloud.

Citizens of the world, we are 99 anonymous.
In the name of the war on terror and weapons of mass destruction you are being lead into a surveillance state of economic ruin. Your democracy is a lie. The oligarchy and financial systems control your government. Your constitutions are being abused. Corruption and greed rule this planet.
The world has the technology to overthrow dictatorships, expose secrets, punish corruption and evolve past the financial oligarchy. The world needs government transparency, banking and financial system accountability, true justice and a real democracy.

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